Friday, 30 October 2009


Well as predicted I've been a bit lazy with the blogging, not to mention a bit lazy with actually going to take photos at the site! Things have moved on a fair bit since my last post, the ground has been cleared and no less than 200 tonnes of stone has been ferried in to create a more solid footing for the pile driver, which arrived on Thursday of last week to pound 26 - yes 26 - reinforced concrete posts 8 metres down into the bog where they finally found hard ground that will support the weight of our house. These pics show what it was like before the piling - I'll post some more soon but if you imagine this with a load of mini tower blocks sticking up out of the ground you'll get the picture. The piles have been cut to height now ready for the 'ringbeam', which I think is just more concrete connecting them all together, to be fitted before the pre-cast floor slab is delivered. And once that's done...walls! It's scary how fast it's moving and how much of the mortgage has been swallowed up already, but very exciting all the same.

Looking down our driveway...

This will be our back garden!

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine calling up to see you very soon and Alf & Saf making bog cakes!! I made mud cakes, but theirs will be black bog cakes! Class, roll on that day xx
